The Mixed Adults Course runs for ten weeks, with one individual session and one group session per week. So, there are 10 individual sessions and 9 group sessions - 19 sessions in total.
The Parents Course runs for twelve weeks with one individual one-our session per week - 12 sessions total.
Any person whose parents are of different racial backgrounds
1200 euros
1380 euros
I’m happy to offer a payment plan. Payment plans usually consist of breaking the cost into three payments… one prior to start, one mid-way and then one prior to finish.
Yes. I offer a limited number of scholarships for the Mixed Adults Course.
Mixed-Race studies show that there are certain disadvantageous commonalities amongst mixed people and their experiences. These issues have nothing to do with the biology of being mixed but with being mixed in the world in which we live. As a mixed adult, or as the parent of a mixed child, it is highly beneficial to understand these issues and how they can influence feelings and behaviors throughout a mixed person’s life.
It must also be said that these same studies show that mixed people have certain advantageous commonalities as well. And those issues must also be clearly understood so that they can be nurtured and encouraged in the hopes of bringing about a more authentic sense of personal empowerment and wholeness.
Once there is a clearer picture of one’s specific issues around their mixed experience, one can develop self-management and personal-growth tools that can help them move through their life with greater purpose.
These coaching courses were designed to explore mixed issues and develop personal management tools and your Bloom Room is where those tools are housed.
‘Life Coaches work with their clients to help them achieve goals, overcome obstacles and make positive changes or shifts in their lives. The Coach works with the client, as a partner, knowing that the client has the answers to create the changes they seek. The client can be an individual or a group and the topic can range from life balance to restructuring a Fortune 500 company’. - National Coach Academy
A feeling of self-assurance coming from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities and qualities in regard to their mixedness.
If you have a question that is not answered here, please feel free to ask me directly.
“The MBR space is such a sacred place to be unapologetically be your whole mixed self; to explore all the unique pluses and minuses of being mixed in a majority monoracial world. There were so many shared experiences amongst our group even though our ages, mixes, life experience and geographical location were all completely different. I’ve never felt so seen. I’ve never felt so at peace in my own identity. And the joy that has produced continues to radiate through every area of my life. ”